Who They Are: And What They’re Up to Review


Who They Are and What They’re up to is a book written by authors Leslie and Stephen Shaw who are lifelong armchair Ufologists.

Utilising decades of research, Leslie and Stephen have wrote a fact driven account of UFO’s and attempt to answer some of the most important questions that surround the phenomena.

The book is well written and quite informative straight from the first few pages and beyond. It looks into answering the questions of where are UFO’s coming from, who is flying them, what is their agenda and so on.

It looks back at the evidence and long history of UFO’s and Alien sightings from way back in biblical times to the present day such as the recent US Navy tic-tac video evidence and gives theories of who they are and where they are coming from.

The historical accounts and information is interesting in itself. To read that UFO’s have been seen and witnessed for centuries, such as that they were around during the great flood and to look at whether giants really existed in our past is intriguing.

At times though I guess the book is more of fiction, as some of the theories mentioned are more of fantasy and conspiracy theories. One such theory written is that UFO’s are coming from an advanced civilisation underground within our Earth, leaning towards the hollow Earth theory.

The book is worth a read if you are interested in UFO’s, the history of them and wonder where they are coming from, but I’m not a conspiracist (even though I believe in Aliens and UFO’s) so for me some the theories mentioned in the book are conspiracy theories, so I had to laugh off some of them, but that’s just my opinion, some readers will have more belief in them .

The book is available on Amazon now on both Kindle and Paperback

*I was sent a copy of  Who they are: And what they’re up to for review purposes. This review is of me own thoughts and opinions.

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