UFO Secrets Debated in Las Vegas


On September 22, 2012, at the National Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas, a debate was organized by members of the group “Military UFOs: Secrets Revealed”.

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4 days ago

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Among the speakers were: an Air Force colonel, a former military base commander, two former Air Force officers, who worked within the “Blue Book” project, an official military project regarding the UFO phenomenon in the 1950s and 1960, as well as a former investigator from the British Ministry of Defense.

The executive director of the museum, Allan Palmer, a former military pilot, told The Huffington Post agency, which reported and commented on the event: “All these people had positions of great responsibility, with high-level security clearances. They are not the kind of people who tend to imagine things or go crazy with some inventions”.

Colonel Charles Halt was the deputy commander of the Bentwaters RAF military base in England and one of the eyewitnesses to the UFO events in December 1980 from there. He believed that the UFOs observed then had an extraterrestrial or extradimensional origin.

The colonel now declares: “I have heard many people say that it would be time for the government to appoint an agency to investigate (the UFO phenomenon); but, folks, there is already a (secret) agency, a very special and compartmentalized one that investigates the phenomenon for years, and there’s also the very active role played by many of our intelligence agencies, who probably don’t even know in detail what happens after they collect and transmit the data. It’s kind of scary, isn’t it? “. “Over the past few years, the British have declassified a ton of information, but has anyone ever seen what their conclusions were, or heard anything about the Bentwaters case officially? When the documents were released it was seen that the time frame in which we were involved in the incident is missing — he simply disappeared. Nothing else is missing,” he added.

The cold could destroy them

Halt stated that he was never harassed regarding the reports he made regarding the Bentwaters UFO incidents. “Probably for several reasons. Number one, my rank and part of the tasks I had, but also

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