The 2023 Crop Circle Phenomenon: An Ethereal Encounter at Hetty Pegler’s Tump Long Barrow

crop circles 2023 UK

It’s June 24th, 2023, in the heart of Gloucestershire, UK, near the tranquil town of Nympsfield. There’s an unexpected spectacle at the renowned neolithic site of Hetty Pegler’s Tump Long Barrow: a crop circle, intriguingly exquisite in design and tantalizingly mysterious. This crop circle of 2023, often referred to as the “Uley Long Barrow crop circle,” raises many questions, not just in Gloucestershire, but globally.

This phenomenon, a few short miles from the serene Stroud, took on an aura of the mystical at this archaeological treasure. And though it didn’t spring up in the same field as the ‘tump,’ the picturesque cornfield across the road houses our crop circle, an unlikely yet equally captivating location.

The long barrow is worth noting, as it contributes to the overall experience of our crop circle visit. Despite being dubbed as ‘long,’ it’s rather lozenge-shaped from an aerial view. Although restored in the 19th century, it retains a distinctive charm that outshines other famed sites like West Kennett or Belas Knapp.

As you explore this spiritual site, its low entrance channel humbles you, forcing you to your knees. The secluded compartments within the cave-like structure, the serene isolation from the external world, all contribute to a deep sense of reverence. It seems as if the vibrant energy of the crop circle complements the sacred aura of this ancestral space.

The crop circle’s discovery, hidden from the road, was presumably reported by a pilot from the gliding club at Nympsfield. Just 2km away, the club offers a splendid aerial view of this mystifying formation. The crop circle itself, designed with two flattened rings encircling a flattened central circle, is not flashy but beautifully simple.

The mature barley crop gives the circle an alluring golden glow. Yet, the stalks, thinner and shorter than usual, imply a struggle against insufficient moisture, hinting at their fast ripening in the summer heatwave. The edges of the circle, despite looking ragged, showcase an outward swirl pattern, adding to the overall intrigue.

As you stand in the outer ring, the untouched green barley stalks contrast starkly against the mature crop. A few isolated mature stalks, unaffected by the circle-making force, stand tall among the flattened ones, posing another mystery. The entire scene at the crop circle, this 2023 Crop Circles phenomenon, is mystifying, riveting, and remarkably unique.

In the heart of the formation, a bouquet of flowers left by an anonymous admirer pays homage, marking the human fascination with the enigmatic and the extraordinary.

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