Stunning UFO Sighting Over Rijeka, Croatia: Witness Captures Mysterious Blue Triangle

UFO sighting

On the early morning of June 25, 2024, the skies over Rijeka, Croatia, became the scene of an extraordinary event that has left locals and UFO enthusiasts buzzing with excitement. At around 3 AM, a witness reported seeing a peculiar, bright blue, triangle-shaped object hovering stationary in the night sky. The sighting, which lasted approximately 10 minutes, has sparked a wave of speculation and intrigue.

Eyewitness Account

The witness, who managed to film the event, described the object as a solid triangle with a bright blue hue. “Filmed in Croatia yesterday 25.06 in 3 AM,” he shared. “It looked like some triangle-shaped object in bright blue color… it seemed like a solid object but who knows right… could this be some weather phenomenon or maybe some weird moonlight?” The witness also mentioned that the object didn’t appear to move despite high winds, ruling out the possibility of it being a drone. “It was there around 10 minutes that I was watching… but I don’t know how long did it stay… for me it didn’t seem like this was the moon but who knows.

Theories and Speculation

This sighting has led to various theories ranging from weather phenomena to extraterrestrial visitors. The object’s bright blue color and triangular shape are not typical characteristics of known weather phenomena, leading some to speculate that it could be an unidentified flying object (UFO).

Expert Opinions

UFO sightings often attract a mix of skepticism and curiosity. Experts suggest that while unusual sightings like these are fascinating, they require thorough investigation. Atmospheric conditions, reflections, and other natural explanations need to be considered. However, the witness’s account of a stationary, bright blue triangle in high winds adds a layer of mystery that is not easily explained by conventional means.


Whether this sighting over Rijeka is a genuine UFO or a rare atmospheric event, it has undoubtedly captured the attention of many. As the video of the sighting circulates, more people are likely to weigh in with their interpretations and theories. For now, the mysterious blue triangle remains an enigma in the night sky of Croatia.

Watch the Video

For a firsthand look at this intriguing sighting, check out the video below and decide for yourself what might be lurking in the skies over Rijeka.

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