Newly Released US Government UFO Report Reveals Details


According to a report released by the Pentagon, the number of UFO sightings has increased significantly over the past couple of years. Many of these incidents can be attributed to weather phenomena or drones. However, around half of these sightings remain unexplained. The agency that monitors these sightings noted that further analysis is necessary.

According to CNN’s Kristen Fisher, the report revealed that the number of sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) has increased significantly. In 2021, the DNI was not able to explain 144 incidents. This time around, the agency noted that there were over 300 new UAP sightings.

One of the most interesting findings of the report is that some of the UAPs exhibited unusual flight capabilities. It’s not clear if these are the results of advanced technology or foreign agents such as Russia or China. The US government has not officially stated its theory regarding the cause of these incidents.

The report provided a total of 163 explanations as to how these objects came into being. Most of these incidents were attributed to balloon-like structures or other similar objects. Some were also said to be caused by airborne clutter, such as debris and weather phenomena.

Members of Congress stated that the report sheds light on the various factors that contributed to the growing number of UAPs sightings, and it shows that the government is taking the issue seriously. However, they noted that the DNI and the Pentagon still need to provide more concrete answers regarding the nature of these objects.

Full report is available at this link:

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