Meet ‘UK’s youngest paranormal investigator’, 8, who talks to ghosts through app


Meet Bobby Horton, an eight-year-old lad who claims to be the UK’s youngest paranormal investigator.

Bobby claims he can chat to ghosts using a mobile app on his phone, and follows in the footsteps of his nan and step-grandad who run a ghost-hunting group on Facebook. Bobby’s nan, Teresa Hughes, 59, and step-grandad Charlie Harker, 58, run Afterlife Paranormal.

The young lad from Bloxwich in Walsall hopes to continue his family’s legacy in their quest for spirits. He even claims to have chatted with his late grandad Terry Hughes, 59, through the Spirit Talker app. Bobby said: “I like investigating the paranormal, my favourite part is probably speaking to my grandad. I used the app to do that, my grandad has come through sometimes.”

Paranormal investigator Charlie Harker (L) now has his grandson Bobby Horton (8) interested in ghost hunting

Hunting for ghosts runs in the family for Bobby – pictured here with Charlie Harker (

BPM Media)

Charlie revealed that Bobby has been exploring the paranormal for about a year-and-a-half but only does ‘light’ investigations. “He is proper into it, with ghost gadgets and that, but he’s not been on a proper investigation yet. He does his own little things,” Charlie said.

“If we are out with him at the pub, he will want to put a ghost box on and he will call out, things like that. He loves it. I wouldn’t say he gets freaked out, it is light paranormal, not heavy, you know. He does try, though.

“He has a little app, he uses that. It comes out with words basically. It’s designed for spirits to manipulate the words and change them to the words they want to put out, basically. I would say he is one of the youngest paranormal investigators in the country, I have never known anyone his age, that young, doing it.”

Paranormal investigator Charlie Harker now has his grandson Bobby Horton (8) interested in ghost hunting

Bobby says he uses a mobile phone app to talk to dead spirits (

BPM Media)

Charlie and Teresa have carried out also carried out live investigations at their house, including a range of equipment, and claim their home is haunted by a ‘sinister’ spirit called ‘George’.

Asked what Bobby’s mum, who is Teresa’s daughter, makes of paranormal investigations, Charlie said: “She’s not really into it. She likes to think it is not real, like it is a different category to what Bobby is into. I would say she is on the bit of the sceptic side, she is not really a believer.”

Charlie added: “Probably when Bobby is older, I can see him joining us on investigations, I will be like his mentor. I’m a professional in this field.”

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