William J. Hermann’s experience with a UFO and alleged alien abduction in 1978 is a remarkable story that still generates interest among people interested in the UFO phenomenon. Hermann’s story is unique in that he claimed to have taken photographs of the UFO, which were eventually authenticated by photo experts. Furthermore, his story of being taken aboard the UFO and examined by humanoid beings during a hypnosis session is intriguing.

Hermann’s experience began in November of 1977 when he claimed to have had a series of sightings of a UFO over Charleston, South Carolina. On January 22, 1978, he was finally able to take nine photographs of the object. Two months later, he claimed to have had a close encounter with the same UFO. According to Hermann, the disc he had sighted earlier reappeared and came toward him. It sent out a light beam that paralyzed him, causing him to lose consciousness. He awoke three hours later 15 miles away and watched the UFO depart.
After reporting the incident to the police, Hermann began suffering from insomnia and general nervousness and unrest. He eventually submitted to hypnosis under the guidance of James A. Harder, a prominent UFO researcher associated with the Aerial Phenomena Research Organization. During the hypnosis, he recalled being aboard the UFO and examined by three humanoid creatures with large hairless heads, oversized eyes, pale skin, and red clothing. One of the three spoke to him, but his mouth did not appear to move. He was given a brief tour of the spacecraft and then lost consciousness. He claimed the beings were from Zeta Reticuli and had been observing Earth for half a century. They were concerned about humanity’s tendencies toward war and warned that our violent natures would destroy human civilization.
Video #1: Bill Herrmann’s 1978 UFO Encounter and Alien Abduction: Details from his Hypnosis Session
In the weeks following the hypnosis session, Hermann claimed to have other sightings and began channeling messages from the people who had abducted him. He also produced a metal bar that he claimed came from the aliens, which was eventually shown to be made of lead and antimony, similar in content to the material in an automobile battery. In May of 1979, Hermann claimed to have had a final contact with the saucer beings, who took him for a ride.
Video #2: Bill Herrmann’s 1978 Encounter: Capturing Photos of a Hovering UFO Close to Charleston Air Force Base
As Hermann’s story became more widely known, he coauthored a more complete account of his story with Wendelle Stevens, a publisher of UFO contactee material (Amazon link). The volume circulated in the contactee subculture but was generally dismissed by ufologists as lacking any collaboration.
Overall, William J. Hermann’s experience is a fascinating example of an alleged UFO encounter and alien abduction that has captured the imagination of people interested in the UFO phenomenon for decades. While skeptics may dismiss his story, it is clear that Hermann truly believed in what he experienced, and it remains an intriguing part of UFO lore.
Video #3: Bill Herrmann’s 1978 Experience: Encountering UFO and Being Abducted by
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