If the suspect had not been out in the road, forcing motorists to drive around him, he might have gotten away.
Tree thief apprehended by Kennewick Police
Sunday night, Kennewick Police Officer Bruns was westbound on 4th Ave. along with her Patrol Training Officer, when she spotted a man wearing all black clothing running down 4th Ave.
He was carrying a bundled Christmas tree and was forcing motorists to swerve around him. Because obviously, it’s against the law to walk or run on the road in a manner that obstructs traffic, Officer Bruns lit him up.
However, the man failed to stop or follow commands and was eventually detained. Turns out the suspect had not only stolen the tree from a nearby Christmas tree lot, but he was also wanted for multiple outstanding warrants.

The tree was returned to the lot, and the suspect will be spending some of his holiday season in jail.