Doctor Who fans can visit the ‘Whouniverse’ that comes with a Tardis toilet


An incredible home in Pembrokeshire, Wales, offers the perfect staycation for fans of Doctor Who as it looks just like a spaceship and features a Tardis in its garden

Wannabe timelords can take a rest from fighting Daleks, Cybermen and Weeping Angels in a house perfect for Doctor Who himself.

Located in Pembrokeshire, Wales, the spaceship home is known as Spodnic UFO and a hydraulic door takes fans inside the Whoniverse. Highlights of the stay include a handmade sofa bed which transforms into a bunk bed and comes complete with astronaut helmets for children.

It also boasts amenities including a fitted heat, TV DVD with retro space invaders game and an equipped outdoor kitchen. The highlight is possibly found outside where the show’s iconic Tardis has been turned into an outdoor toilet.

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The listing reads: “A Pembrokeshire Amazing Space combines timeless home comfort with interstellar accommodation which is out of this world. Fitted with a merino wool-topped double bed (with plenty of storage underneath), space blanket-insulated walls and a sliding automatic door, you can also head up to the Perspex roof that masquerades as a cockpit.

“It’s easy to imagine you’re charting your course amongst the stars, as you surround yourselves with colour-changing lights, zap-worthy ray guns and of course, a light sabre. You’ll also find a telescope ideal for moon-gazing in the clear, unpolluted sky.”

If that’s not enough to appease the biggest Timelord fan, back in 2011, one fan even turned her own house into a Tardis. Erica Quinn recreated the famous time machine from her front door in Glasgow.

She even matched the paint from an original 1960s police box that still sits a stone’s throw away at the corner of the city’s Botanic Gardens.

Life-sized cardboard cut-outs of the Tenth and Eleventh incarnations of the Doctor, as played by Matt Smith and David Tennant, companions Amy Pond (Karen Gillan) and time agent Captain Jack (John Barrowman), and a Dalek peer out from behind the curtains of the flat-turned-Tardis on Clouston Street.

To view this unique stay, visit

Read More On This At UFO, U.F.O.