The intersection of advanced physics, zero-point energy, and UFO technology is an area of growing intrigue. In a groundbreaking discussion, Chris Lehto and Ashton...
In a groundbreaking revelation, a former U.S. Air Force veteran, Jake Barber, has stepped forward with claims that could redefine the public’s understanding of...
For decades, Area 51 has been synonymous with secrecy, conspiracy theories, and the quest for answers about unidentified flying objects (UFOs). While Bob Lazar’s...
James Fox, a renowned filmmaker and UFO investigator, has spent decades delving into the mysteries surrounding UFOs and extraterrestrial encounters. His work, which includes...
The Roswell Incident of 1947 remains one of the most enduring mysteries of modern history, capturing imaginations and fueling debates about extraterrestrial life and...
Ross Coulthart, an investigative journalist known for his work on mysterious phenomena, embarked on a fascinating journey through Egypt’s ancient ruins in NewsNation’s Reality...
The concept of UFOs and extraterrestrial beings has long intrigued humanity, sparking debates, conspiracy theories, and extensive research. While many view aliens as benevolent...
For over three decades, George Knapp has been a prominent figure in investigative journalism, earning the title “The UFO Reporter” for his unparalleled work...
The 1997 “Alien Interview” video, purportedly depicting a live extraterrestrial being held by the U.S. government, has intrigued and divided audiences for decades. Skeptics...