John F. Kennedy’s presidency is often remembered for the Cuban Missile Crisis, his call for the moon landing, and his tragic assassination. However, there...
On September 30, 1974, a serene farming day in Saskatchewan turned into an extraordinary event that continues to baffle researchers and UFO enthusiasts. Edwin...
Dr. Kevin Knuth, a former NASA research scientist and a respected physicist, was initially a curious observer rather than an active researcher in the...
Two of my favourite TV shows have returned for new seasons on Discovery and Discovery+. Expedition X and Expedition Bigfoot.
Brand new episodes were released...
The assassination of President John F. Kennedy has remained one of the most scrutinized and debated events in American history. However, in a fascinating...
The history of the Cold War is filled with intrigue, secrets, and a relentless quest for technological superiority. Amid this backdrop, new revelations suggest...
Chris Bledsoe’s experiences with unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) have transformed his life and captured the attention of both believers and skeptics worldwide. In a...
In a recent episode of Reality Check, journalist Ross Coulthart delves into the Pentagon’s handling of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) reports. Joined by NewsNation...
The radio show “Coast to Coast AM,” known for its intriguing discussions on paranormal phenomena, recently featured an episode exploring the tantalizing possibility of...